The main cause of periodontal disease is the accumulation of bacterial plaque. It is a disease caused by bacteria in dental plaque. If plaque is not removed during regular dental hygiene procedures, the gums become swollen, start to bleed and inflammation or gingivitis can develop.

Gingvitis is the inflammation of the gums manifesting by redness, tenderness, bleeding while brushing, bad breath and alteration of the sense of taste.
The main treatment method is professional dental hygiene and proper individual dental hygiene.If treatment is postponed, inflammation spreads deeper to periodontal tissues resulting in periodontitis.

Periodontitis is the inflammation of the periodontum (tissues surrounding the tooth) It is a later stage of the disease when not only the gums but also other structures surrounding the tooth are affected. Periodontitis is a serious disease requiring professional intervention.
Gums are bright red, bleed when brushing or eating, sometimes suppurate. Teeth become mobile and fall out due to deteriorating ligament which holds the tooth in place, jaw bone also deteriorates. Depending on the extent of the disease and bone loss periodontitis can be treated non-surgically or surgically.

Lip frenulum is a crease of mobile mucosa between the lip and the jawbone. If it is fixed it can cause problems for tooth position and aesthetics and may impede prosthetics. It is one of the reasons for gaps between teeth (diastemas) to form and gum recession to occur. The treatment is frenuloplasty, a correction of the frenulum.

Ginvival recession is the retraction of the gingiva from the tooth. If causes the neck or part of the root to be exposed. The tooth seems elongated and may be sensitive. Recessions are treated using gingivoplasty procedures. The recession is covered by a piece of tissue taken from the roof of the mouth or synthetic gingiva replacements.

Flap surgery is a procedure during which a mucoperiosteal flap is raised, inflamed tissue is removed around the tooth and the surface of the root is smoothed, bone and gums are formed.